We had a little excitement this last week of October, but things have quieted down now and we're settling into the last days of rainy October with hot tea, good books, the woodstove, pumpkin donuts, drawing, and knitting of course. I cleaned up the garden a bit yesterday, pulling out the blackened basil and planting next year's supply of garlic. We haven't had a frost yet, so my zinnias are still blooming! This has been a great year for our red raspberry bushes. Our plants bloom twice a year - a small crop in July and then a bigger crop in October, and frost is the determining factor. This October has been mild and very wet, so our raspberries have just kept coming and are nice and plump! I snapped a couple photos of the ducks and chickens looking pastoral in the late afternoon light on a rare day without rain. (Daisy is the first one, then our male Dawn with the white Pekin Snow.)

And now for that excitement: Last Sunday, my not-so little babe fell off her not-so little pony and broke her arm. Luckily it is her non-dominant arm and luckily she didn't require surgery. However, it needed to be re-set before the cast, so that required full anesthesia, which was a little scary. She is now clad in pink from upper arm to hand, but should be all good by the time the snow really flies! And because we can't imagine life without horses, she was back at it this week, just at a little slower speed and with some assistance. Yes, I am her mother and so will of course say so, but my babe is a super tough little lady. With her arm dangling by her side, her concern was not for herself, but for her pony. She walked into the barn with him to make sure he was okay. She had no fear about getting back on this week. She isn't moping about what she can't do.

Happy Halloween! Forget the spooky, I'll take the pumpkin doughnuts and apple cider! (And maybe a Reeses's PB Cup or two.)