It has been several months since I've visited this space. Not for any one particular reason, just life. But this morning we didn't have anywhere to go, the not so little babe who will always be my babe, was lounging in bed reading, and the sunlight was looking lovely. And when I was out there puttering in the flowerbed with my camera, it felt good and I think I felt some stress melt away.
The past couple days have been hot, while the nights are cooler and I think there is a very early feeling of that season to come. August here means homegrown tomatoes, pesto making, backyard bouquets, happy pollinators on the native plants that only come into their own this month, Red-tailed hawks circling and screaming overhead during the heat of the day, good book reading in the afternoons (well that is anytime of the year actually), and cooling baths for the horses. I've been filling up various containers of water around the yard every morning for the birds and insects, along with the large containers for the ducks. I feel slightly guilty when I have as much water available as I want, when so many in the world have to hope for theirs.
I'm thankful for what I have.