Hi Everybody, I think I've been avoiding this space because I feel like I can't capture all of the new green beauty of Spring that is appearing everywhere and so I don't even want to try. I can take decent pictures of autumn leaves, pinecones in snow, the little babe's feet in water, but I just can't capture the green of Spring. It looks too fluorescent and glossed out in all of my photos. So here is an attempt at the warm light that was softly illuminating our backyard this morning. The dewdrops were sparkling and I just couldn't help myself.
And because everyone loves a picture of a happy dog, here is Wallace. He is avoiding eye contact because he hates having his picture taken. A modest handsome Romanian.
Our cherry tree has been in full bloom since Saturday. Lovely white clusters against a clear blue sky, but again, I just wasn't feeling up to snuff with my camera skills. Some things are just better experienced in person. So here is a half-assed attempt on a gray morning with poor light.
I hope that everyone had a nice holiday, if Easter is something that you celebrate, and if not, hopefully you had a lovely Spring weekend anyway. I had time with family, time with my horse, time knitting, time in nature, and so it was a good one. I don't like showing pictures of myself on here, but the little babe took a nice one of Frank and I on Saturday. When the vet was out for Spring shots last week, she said that he looks great for being 28 years old. That means I am doing my job and that makes me very happy.
(The overalls I'm wearing are my Rosie's and I love them!)