We braved the roads and headed out to the barn yesterday. I had not been able to see Frank since Saturday and I was starting to get twitchy. I was greeted with a loud nicker and I would prefer to think that is because he was excited to see ME, not just excited to see someone who would let him outside. Either way, it made me smile. When we left the barn, the wind was gusting, the snow was blowing, and the sun was barely visible behind the fast moving clouds. The little babe and I decided to head out on a quick outing, so up and over the mountain we went. As we approached the lake, we could see great billows of snow being flung up into the air and across the lake. We decided to watch it from the comfort of the car. We then drove around to the other side and parked in a more protected lot. I broke ground as we headed into the woods, post holed down to the creek, stopped in the field to make snow angels (the smaller one of us did), and then after looking at the lake (still looking like Antarctica), we headed up the hill to the car. Like the unexpected warmth on our faces when the sun broke through the clouds, this brief outing was just what we needed.