It is a bit chilly around here, but nothing unbearable. It means I check on the chickens more often, taking them extra bread snacks. I'm drinking more tea, which gets cold more quickly. I'm worrying about my old man at the barn, but I know he is in good hands. I'm carrying out the old dog with sensitive feet, ordering him to go to the bathroom while his feet freeze and burn. The little babe and I completed our first 500 piece puzzle yesterday. It arrived just in time for the deep freeze days. If anyone is interested in puzzles, this Songbird one by Mudpuppy is a really bright and fun one. I finished a custom Nutkin sweater and am working on a bonnet. The dogs and cats are rotating through the hot spot in front of the fire. We occasionally smell something awful and realize that Molokai (a not very smart cat) has gotten too close to the woodstove again.
It is supposed to warm up tomorrow, back to normal Winter conditions. January will be over; February will begin. Another month of taking it easy, hoping my back is healing. At least my fingers can keep busy.
I hope you can find something bright in your day - warmth comes in many forms.