Hi Everybody, I'm still here. I discovered that it is pretty hard to take decent pictures without bending or moving in a way that doesn't hurt a compression fracture, so my creative mojo is pretty squashed. The little babe received her first camera for the holidays and has happily been taking my place, snapping away at everything - chickens, her dolls, her mother using the vacuum, and lots of pictures taken from the backseat of the car at 65 miles an hour. We had the big talk about the Delete button right away. On a serious note though, I think it is a good learning tool/toy/gadget and can be used in various homeschool projects.
We just returned from the barn. It is one of those cold gray damp days, but the little babe was a trooper and made it through her lesson. She is trotting on her own now and feels pretty proud of herself. Considering that I didn't trot until I was nine years old, I am impressed myself. This is why I wanted her to start riding early, so she can become comfortable at a young age and have it become second nature. I am ground bound for the next eight weeks, but Frank and I still have fun working on the lunge line with poles. At least, I have fun and he is staying in shape. I am still at the new horse owner stage where I just enjoy watching him move and thinking, "Wow, I own this horse!" The fact that I am his person is such a thrill.
The little babe and I discovered a new favorite tea - Stash's Christmas Eve Herbal tea. It is delicious; just perfect for damp cold days. Just the right amount of unique ingredients to make it yummy, but not too strange. We also discovered a film series that is educational and captivating - the BBC Film series about nature, planet Earth, etc. We have watched the Arctic and Wild Alaska films and both of them had us saying, "WOW!" again and again and also covering our eyes (we know everybody has to eat, but still watching it is tough.) Waiting for my back to heal requires more sofa time than we are used to, but at least it is the right season for vegging out. I have plenty of Owl yarn from Quince & Co to keep me busy.
I hope your New Year is off to a good start. I am not a resolution maker. If I was, I would resolve to be more patient and upbeat. I try, I really do, but they aren't my strong points. As I tell the little babe, we are all good at something. Getting stuck behind slow drivers isn't one of mine.