I've thought several times during the past couple of weeks, "Oh, that would make a nice picture!" But, I just haven't felt a strong desire to grab the camera. To much other stuff. And because I have something new to entertain me. Frank, the horse, is officially mine! The little babe is dreaming of outfitting him all in pink, but I won't let that happen.
I don't have much to say here at the moment. The garden is doing okay, not as good as it was last year, but I can't think exactly that I did anything wrong. The weather was different this year, warmer and now cooler, and so growing things seem a bit out of whack. Plus, I can blame the baby rabbit and then two baby groundhogs that ate nearly everything to the ground on one rainy day. I managed to lure the groundhogs into the live traps with fresh picked strawberries. We have tons of volunteer tomatoes, a couple of sneaky beans that are managing to hide from the chipmunks, and I just harvested the garlic scapes for pesto. The raspberry bushes are loaded and the potatoes look good. I have stevia drying - mint and stevia tea is my go-to drink in the winter, so I have to have a lot of that. The yard is extremely green right now - the bright spring flowers are done blooming and the summer ones haven't kicked in yet. I tried to have more flowering plants for this year, but the yard doesn't have any color at the moment (other than green).
Enough boring babble. The day is kinda gray, so I'm a little ho-hum at the moment. Not glum, just not feeling inspired. I am waiting on one skein of yarn that I need to start the colorwork part of my sweater pattern. I don't want to start the next project, so I have to be patient. So it is off to the barn to clean the mice out of the tack closet and give my guy some love and a carrot. Hope you are enjoying Summer and if you're inspired about something at the moment - a craft, your garden, a trip - I'd love to hear about it!
The pictures are from Niantic, CT, where we went with my family for a long weekend.