We had what I think was the last snow storm of the year this past week. The little babe and I headed up to Black Moshannon State Park to see if the Tundra Swans were still there. Snowy hemlock groves, blue skies, and a lake full of waterfowl. Dozens of Hooded Mergansers were sharing the water with Canada Geese, Mallards, and between 100-200 Tundra Swans. Even though the sun was warm, the wind was gusting across the lake and we had scarves pulled up to our noses. The swans were honking and talking to each other, turning bottoms up and looking very undignified with their plump white bums up in the air. The little babe was entranced. I don't have a telephoto lens, so sorry for the photos - squint and look for the white lumps with black legs.
Check out this link to see much better photos of them. They are beautiful. Make sure to listen to the sound clips too!