In one of my middle of the night computer sessions (when I sometimes have to go to bed with the little babe at 7:30pm, waking up around 2pm and feeling like I've been in bed for a long time isn't really that weird), I read this article by Ben Hewitt and this sentence jumped out at me: "In other words, we so often need so much less than we talk ourselves into." I happened to read this at 2 am on Christmas Day, a day when people all around the world would be receiving gifts that they "need", myself included. "Yes, I have this, but I could use another one because I like it so much." "Well, this one is pretty old, so I might as well get a new one." "If you'd like to get me something, this would be nice..."
So Ben's sentence hit home. Especially because it made me feel slightly hypocritical about myself and stuff. See, I have this habit and it is called purging. Not the serious food related binge/purge type of habit, but one in which I feel that we have too much STUFF and I feel a strong desire to get rid of it. The things that we have accumulated over 30 years of life - 60 years combined for my husband and I. Things from our childhood (really, do I still need that handmade pottery bell from 5th grade?), things from the newly married we-need-to-fill-our-home phase, things from the new-baby-needs-this-to-survive phase.
I can't get rid of it all at once; it would seem too drastic to give away all of my daughter's stuffed animals during one naptime. So on a weekly basis or when the mood strikes me, I put something in the Goodwill or Craigslist pile. My daughter herself has even gotten pretty good about it, telling me that certain things of hers that I mention are too small should be given to the "wah, wah" - our friend's new baby, who we have given some of my little babe's unneeded clothing and baby items.
Ben's sentence also gave me pause because my husband and I are currently in a "what is next?" stage of our life. After my husband finishes his degree in 2016, he will be looking for a job. That might mean that we stay right here in our quirky old farmhouse in a location that we really enjoy or it might mean that we take a big step and move somewhere else, like to another state somewhere else. And if that happens, then we have to think about where we will live. What type of home and land do we need. What type of home and land do we want. What type of home and land can we afford. Those three thoughts are connected - we shouldn't want more than we need and can afford.
As we enter this next phase in our life, I want to keep these thoughts in mind. Really, we have all that we need right now. Family, health, shelter, food, love, and so much more.
I am thankful for all of it.
What are you thankful for today?
I invite other bloggers to leave a link to their Thankful Tuesday post in the comment section below and I encourage everyone to share what they are thankful for.