With only five days to go until Christmas, I know that many people are rushing around in a holiday frenzy. Whether you are knitting your fingers raw, pushing your oven to its limit baking trays of holiday goodies, or still trying to hang Christmas decorations, remember to slow down and enjoy it. Some reports cite that the Saturday before Christmas is the biggest shopping day of the year in the United States, with more sales than on Black Friday. It raises my blood pressure just thinking about entering a shopping mall, especially when everyone is stressed about finding that last minute gift because they feel they should buy just one more something for somebody. If you find yourself in any of these scenarios, I have some advice - relax! Enjoy the season, don't stress about it, otherwise it is not worth doing.
The saying is "happy as a clam", but maybe snails are blissfully happy too because they can hide away from the fast paced frenzy of this world.