I thought maybe some of you would enjoy a break from all of the festive Christmas goodness everywhere, so I'm going to share some pictures of old house parts. Sounds like a treat for the eyes, doesn't it? The Old House Parts Company is located in Kennebunk, Maine in a huge building overflowing with parts salvaged from old homes. I was actually really excited to take my camera along - this place was amazing! We stopped in on our way home from Maine. We didn't really have anything in mind to buy, but we had a great time poking around. Stained glass windows, real wooden doors, vintage light fixtures, door fittings, salvaged wood for flooring, clawfoot bath tubs, ornate heating grates, and tons of other items. You know all of those ideas for cool repurposed projects that you've pinned? This is the place to buy the parts! (No Pinterest for me though; I do it the old fashioned way - cutting out pictures from magazines.)
There were bright colors in that stained glass window, so maybe that could count as being festive!