Today I am thankful for...
-a bouquet of flowers given to me by my husband. The little babe was also thankful for the single flower left in a vase on her new kitchen set.
-all of our family and friends that contributed to buy the little babe a beautiful wooden kitchen set. My husband has had his hands full with the MBA program and our bedroom remodel, so the play kitchen did not get setup in time for the little babe's birthday, though she was none the wiser. He finally had time last Friday and so she had a surprise waiting when we got back from the park. She loves it and went right to work cooking for us. (Yes, those are electrical and bathroom drain pipes running through our living room. We don't host dinner parties very often.)
- the above mentioned little babe, who insisted on wearing her snow pants to the arboretum today, even though it was well above freezing with not a snowflake in sight. They worked well at repelling the water from the wading stream in the children's garden. She almost had a major meltdown because I told her she had to keep her shoes on. We compromised and she did not wear gloves and she could play in the water with the boats as long as she did not get her feet wet.
What are you thankful for today?
I invite other bloggers to leave a link to their Thankful Tuesday post and I encourage everyone to share what they are thankful for.