Today I am thankful for...
a simply fantastic weekend with my husband and little babe enjoying what the great outdoors has to offer.
(An American Toad. My husband spotted him and the toad graciously posed for some photos.)
(An Eastern Box Turtle. My husband tells me that it is a male because it has reddish eyes. They are the only known turtle that the sex can be determined based on the eye color.)
(Isn't this a cool stump? I'm not into hobbits, but it looked pretty hobbit-y to me.)
(Flying high. For two minutes, before she wanted to try the swing next to her. We actually had to try out all of the swings at the playground.)
(The trail was very steep, especially with an extra 20 pounds on your back.)
(A beautiful evening in the field at the local park. I probably had a tick crawling up my leg at this moment, but one has to suffer for art, right?)
What are you thankful for today?