The give-a-way item for today is a great way to belatedly celebrate Earth Day. If you are a regular follower of this blog, you know that I try to not use plastic, that I don't use chemical food dyes, and I try to be as eco-friendly as possible. Also on my list of items that I "don't do", is buying new gift wrapping paper. It is just such a waste and I haven't bought new paper or ribbon for years. I remember buying some tissue paper in a grocery store outside of South Bend, Illinois when we were on our way to a wedding and forgot to wrap the gift - that was two years ago. So I am happy to annouce today that you can be eco-friendly and wrap your gifts in style with these paper bows made from a recycled calendar.
Aren't they gorgeous?! Lets take a close-up.
The calendar was composed of antique vegetable illustrations and the details are amazing. Just look at those little tomatoes above. And that kohlrabi below? Who ever thought I'd think kohlrabi was beautiful?
They are made by Annie of Pollinator Handmade. Annie is the creative upcycling, recycling genius behind the bows. Her goal is to make beautiful and functional items that can replace the disposable items in our lives. Annie is talented in many forms of art. Here are some other items that she has given new life to.
(Photo courtesy of Pollinator Handmade)
(Photo courtesy of Pollinator Handmade)
The give-a-way for today is for six of the handmade veggie illustration paper bows! Six! You know the saying, "its better to give than to receive"? Well, think how much fun fun it would be to give someone a gift with one of these bows on top! To enter the contest, please leave a comment below. The contest is open from now until Friday, May 2, at 7am. Pollinator Handmade has several other styles of paper bows, so if veggies aren't your thing, you might like some made from old science text books! This contest is open to all of my readers, international and in the US.