Since tomorrow is the big day for the tree, I thought I'd share how we do it in our home. Some people get their tree the day after Thanksgiving and take it down the day after Christmas. Some people put it up on Christmas Eve and the kids wake up to a magical surprise. Some people opt for the plastic or metal fake tree, pulled out of the basment or attic and dusted off. For the first couple years of our marriage, my husband and I went to a local tree farm and picked out the tree together, normally stopping for peppermint ice cream at the local dairy on the way home. We are lucky to have three Christmas tree farms within a half hour drive, so we have our pick.
One year we decided, or I decided maybe, that I didn't want a tree. Either we didn't have the money, or I didn't want to deal with the mess, or our house was under construction, I don't remember. (I know, all of those reasons just make me sound like a scrooge.) But when I came home from work one day, there it was - the symbol of secular Christmas, shining in the corner of my living room with one string of lights hastily strung on it. My husband, great guy that he is, decided we should have one and so he surprised me. Now, several years later, that has become our tradition. This year he surprised both me AND the little babe with the tree and it will become more fun as she gets old enough to enjoy the surprise element of it.
It is my job to decorate the tree. I normally decorate it with ornaments from my childhood, but since I couldn't find the box of decorations this year, I started with a blank slate. So this is what we've got.
Simple and toddler friendly ornaments.
(Sorry for the poor quality photos - our tree is in a very low light area in the house.)
Linking up with Little Green Shed for Nature In The Home.